Thanks to my wonderful friend Sadie, I have a new project! Sadie is one of my oldest friends - I've technically known her since 6th grade, but I don't remember meeting her until high school. We hung out all of the time - and because we were such good kids back then, most of it was playing card games at Sherie's or at grocery stores.
Sadie is an awesome, dedicated, driven person, and since (like a lot of us) she doesn't find a good outlet for that in her work, she organizes bouts for her local roller derby club. I think that is AWESOME. I'm a huge fan of things that allow women to get a little aggression out every now and then, and don't assume that we're all delicate little flowers.
...she wrote in her blog about embroidery. Anyway.
This is an interesting project for me, because I've never taken a logo and tried to translate it directly onto cloth before. I try to be precise, but I'm more aware than anybody that this medium isn't made for crisp, precise lines. Just look at the flower/gear project - not one of those shapes is 100% round.
Hopefully, that blurring effect won't make this look shabby.

This s going to need a lot of adjustment on the clost, I can tell. I don't think that the bottom lines are so slanted in real like - they are laid on an uneven surface which is making them bend. I will probably have to pull the N in Bellingham up a little bit, though, and do some more work to even out Roller Betties, although personally I like how the letters undulate.
In any case, I hope that I'll be able to actually keep this up to date week by week as I make progress. I am really exited about this - I think that it will be an interesting challenge.
Expect more cruddy pictures from my phone's camera in the future!