Just a mini update to justify sitting on my butt instead of mopping. It's supposed to rain today anyway, so why mop before the dogs come through and put paw and belly prints all over the ground anyway?
When I made my last recipe I bought a head of cauliflower, then didn't get around to cooking it because I had my son with me while I got everything ready for the oven. He wasn't going to play quietly while I cut vegetables, so it had to be put off. I made it up yesterday, and it turned out okay. I cut it up in the morning, put olive oil and salt and pepper on it, and put it back in the fridge. Last night I cooked it in a 400 degree oven for about 25 minutes, stirring every 10 or so minutes.
It was still a bit crunchy, and tasted mostly of pepper. I don't think this is how it was supposed to turn out. I suspect that oiling it ahead of time allowed the oil to soak in, and probably changed how the heat effected the veggies. The dish it cooked in was also cold from the fridge, which probably also had an effect. It is hard for me to remember sometimes that cooking is science, and you can't just throw the right ingredients together, the conditions also have to be right. I have about one serving left, so I might look into chopping it up and putting it on some spaghetti sauce I'm going to make for dinner.
So you've probably read this far and are thinking, "Is this all I'm going to get? She's just going to tell us she botched roasting cauliflower?"
To make this post worth your time, I also wanted to share a website I like to look at sometimes. Self.com has this fun nutrition data, which includes (if you have flash player) some fun colorful graphs. I have gone there in past to check if/how nutritious various foods, especially vegetables, are. It isn't perfect; as you can see, they didn't have roasted cauliflower listed, just boiled cauliflower. But I went from having no idea what nutrients I was consuming to knowing I got some decent vitamin A, so that's something.
Finally, I thawed one of the newton cookie loafs I made for my first NYR recipe. It turned out just fine, in my opinion - no more soggy or crumbly than it was before I froze it. That is a huge plus, and means I will probably make that recipe again. If it hadn't frozen well, it would have been far too big a recipe to eat everything before it went bad.
I have my next recipe picked out, but I'm going to wait until the weekend to make it, in case it is a pain in the butt. So have a good weekend, and see you Monday.
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