Now that we have a toddler on our hands, we can really only celebrate with food, and this year I kind of failed. I didn't plan ahead, so we had corned beef the day after St . Pat's, and it was the saltiest corned beef I've ever made. However it did spawn this sweet double recipe blog update!!!! So, not a total loss.
Recipe 11: Irish Soda Bread
recipefor this comes from All Recipes, and through serendipity, maybe the very recipe my aunt offered to send me a few days ago.
As promised, it was pretty easy. Combine the dry ingredients, cut in the butter, add the wet ingredients. I used sour milk (1 Tablespoon vinegar in enough milk to make a cup) instead of buttermilk, but I also used butter instead of margarine, so hopefully I didn't lose much flavor.
Normally I would use a pastry knife to cut in the butter on a recipe like this, but my son was "helping", so I just used the stand mixer. I used the paddle instead of the pastry hook, but it worked fine and still did some of the kneading for me. The dough was very soft, and not too sticky. I brushed the top of the loaf with semi-melted butter with a little milk in it (I got too lazy to try to make the real deal). I don't know why the recipe recommends checking the loaf after 30 minutes. For me, it was nowhere near done.
I don't think I've had soda bread before, and I really liked it. Fresh from the oven the crust was like a thick cracker, and the inside was soft and dense. It wasn't very flavorful, but that was actually a good thing since it was served with the world's saltiest corned beef and cabbage. Unfortunately, it pretty quickly became uniformly dry and crumbly, so if you aren't going to eat it the first night, be prepared for a little disappointment when you get into the leftovers.
Recipe 12: Colcannon

Because the corned beef was so salty, I didn't want to just reheat it, so I found this recipe. For some reason, I thought it would be a soup, which it most certainly is not. It is basically super rich mashed potatoes with boiled cabbage and corned beef.
I really don't know what else needs to be said about this recipe - if that description didn't make your mouth water, you are clearly a robot. The one thing I would note is that salting the water you cook the cabbage in is probably a good idea. I didn't (call me gun shy), and I felt like it was just slightly bland. This recipe is definitely going in the "things to do with leftover meat" file. I could see almost any leftover working really well in this, with the right added spices.
Alright! I think I am caught up! There have been twelve full weeks this year, and I've done twelve recipes! It has been a lot of fun to try new things, and it's been nice to see some views on the blog. If anything I make ever reminds you of a recipe, please send it to me! Maybe you'll see my attempt on these very pages.
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